
Dear SASS delegates

Welcome to the 24th South African Spine Society congress to be held at the Century City Conference Center in Cape Town from 22 to 24 May 2025.

This has proved to be an extremely successful venue in the past.  No doubt it will be again with its appropriately sized meeting rooms encouraging delegate interaction, hotel accommodation and many restaurants within walking distance.

We endeavour to provide stimulating academic content not only from abroad but more importantly with locally appropriate engagement by the many talented South African surgeons.  SASS is a member focused association and active membership participation is important – beat my call by emailing me what you would like to contribute to the below themes!

In addition to the usual diverse and pertinent topics discussed and debated, there will be focus sessions on managing myelopathy, endoscopy, safety in spine surgery and complex trauma.  We plan ethics sessions to keep the HPCSA at bay, with the usual “Lessons from the courts” case discussions bringing shivers to your spines and ways to manage the risk.

We will be collaborating with the South African Spinal Cord Association (SASCA), sharing the venue and speakers, and plan a combined session.

There will be the usual business components of the AGM where members will be updated on EXCOs work and engagement with other stakeholders.

The well supported lunch time trainee sessions will continue to support our national registrar platform and develop the interest in our speciality.

We look forward to your support by attending and contributing and trust the annual SASS meeting will be enjoyable with good science, education and social interaction.

Professor Robert Dunn
Academic Coordinator
Professor Adrian (Ian) Vlok
SASS President


Professor Ian Vlok
SASS President
Dr Ian Zondagh
SASS President – Past
Dr Johan Davis
Honorary Secretary, Medical Aid and Data Coordinator
Professor Robert Dunn
Academic Chair
Dr Sanesh Miseer
Treasurer and Membership

Official SASS Emails

SASS President: president@saspine.org

President Elect: presidentelect@saspine.org

Academic: academic@saspine.org

Treasurer: treasurer@saspine.org

Honarary Secretary: secretary@saspine.org

Data & Medical Aids: data@saspine.org

Congress: congress@saspine.org

SASS Membership: membership@saspine.org